How to Ensure Successful Technology Migration Service for Your Business?
Copyright: BlueCopper Technology

Be the Superman in Your Business with Successful Technology Migration

Arunabha Ghosh
6 min readAug 6, 2020

There is a story to tell — do you have the patience?

After hailing from Krypton with the powerful abilities, our superhero Kal-El never knew that this earth would accept him as a mutant or as a part of the earthling. It was his foster parents who wanted him to help the human race but hiding his original power and stay under a mask. Thus, Superman was born.

Same with the legacy technologies which you have still implement in your business. You need to upgrade them without actually changing and challenging their actual functionality for the customers who are actually using them or you are still leveraging their benefits.

Why Do We Say So?

More and more business are steering themselves in the progressive direction, can you deny that? No.

With more cloud adoption, agile approaches, and improved efficiencies, and providing the customer with better experiences. Today wat your business demand is stability and flexibility.

In a recent survey by the IDG cloud computing survey, 73 percent of key IT decision-makers reported having already adopted this combination of cloud technology, and another 17 percent intended to do so in the next 12 months.

Why just cloud migration, it is the same scenario when it comes to technology migration services — data, cloud, application, or any type of legacy technology.

Guys hold your breathe, as we will share some of the Superman-like ways to ensure a successful technology migration service.

Your journey from the legacy application to the modern application consists of just 10 steps. So, the countdown begins…

#1. Research & plan like Clark Kent

Clark Kent, aka our Superman, did his homework before he actually went out to save the NY City.

So, do your research on the modern platform in which you want to migrate. See, if you are able to get any concrete figures. Who will you approach to get the ball rolling? Have you ever attempted this in your company before? The research will lay the foundation for your technology migration services. Recording all the findings and plan in a business case will showcase the evidence and give weight to the legacy migration plan.

You can easily send this plan out to the technology migration service provider you have been seeking cooperation and steer accordingly.

#2. Assess the site which you want to opt for Migration

Legacy migration is indeed a big undertaking. It is not just going to improve your operations but can turn out to the most disruptive one if not done right.

Once you’ve identified that you need to migrate, perform the analysis of the benefits and the disadvantages of moving to new technology. Then assess the existing IT infrastructure, the application you use, resources, cost, and other details. This will help to make decisions later in the process of cloud migration, data migration, or application migration — whatever you adopt.

What you can assess? — Work like Clark Kent, who makes a list of bits to collect in his notepad before leaving for the site to examine like a pro-journalist.

  1. Which application needs migration? (but a legacy app which can not be ported or a high-intensive performance app might not be the best to be in your list)
  2. Assess the current infrastructure cost and resources consumed
  3. Check out the amount of storage required, data generated, analytics, networking, and expected SLA.
  4. What is the total money spent on physical servers and server management
  5. What are the hidden costs involved?

#3. Assemble your own technology migration team

Just like Clark partners with the other superpowers like Batman to save the city, you need to identify the superpowers in your team who can assist in technology migration in your company.

For best results, you need to have in your team network administrator, database admins, and application developers. Make sure that the team is knowledgeable and have experience working in technology migration projects.

You too can play a pivotal role by being there to coordinate the project. There should be an executive sponsor to act as the spokesperson to spread awareness across the organization from the initial stage of legacy migration.

#4. Partner with the right technology migration company

Similar to the research please, you need to do a little bit of digital window shopping. Not every technology migration service provider is the same. Find out which technology migration company best suits your business need. Choosing the right technology migration service provider will save many headaches later.

BlueCopper Awarded as the Top 10 Product Engineering and Technology Migration Service Provider by Silicon India

Have full visibility on what you are going to pay for the costs and what costs can scale up in the future, etc. Balance and compare the uptime, infrastructure, support required, and security to get the best results.

#5. Train the Staff

Remember switching from a legacy application to a modern application may affect your staff. Things which change for your rank-and-file staff during or after the technology migration, Make sure they stay in the loop about any changes and are trained in the new system and portals. Though the technology migration service providing company will surely take care of it.

#6. Carry out the migration

So it’s action time just like our Superman!

Take the advice of your technology migration service provider here. Like we at BlueCopper, are happy to make you walk through the partnership with the migration team. Executed properly, the migration should take place with minimum cost and interference to service. This is the stage where you should pay heed and prepare for the worst as well.

#7. Consider the documents and findings

Make sure to evaluate the technology migration process you are proceeding on. What went well? What could have been done better? This might be your first technology migration, but may not be your last. Especially if you are migrating from legacy application in section rather than all at once, Have a record of what worked and what didn't and share it with your migration team as well as the technology migration company who was your partner.

LEARN FROM EXPERTS: Reasons to Consider Legacy Migration


With the technology migration completed, just chillax. After you are done relaxing, consider looking for the other areas that you can consider to migrate to the modern application and when this can be feasible.

To know more about technology migration service and do a little digital shopping, talk to us.

